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Periodontitis - Gum Disease Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Periodontitis: Gum Disease Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Did you ever notice a pink spot on your toothbrush after brushing your teeth or have bleeding gums? If yes, then it can be a sign of underlying gum disease. Gum diseases are one of the most common causes of tooth loss amongst people worldwide. So, it’s crucial to identify them early before they get worse. Understanding gum disease symptoms and their related facets are the primary step towards its prevention and cure. Well, most gum diseases are curable. However, if they remain untreated for a longer time, then your dental health will eventually deteriorate in a big way.

That’s why the sooner you act on gum diseases, the better! So, it is important that we are aware of gum disease symptoms

As a result of poor oral hygiene for a long time, gum diseases including severe gum infection like periodontitis occur. When plaque is accumulated on teeth, periodontal disease develops. If ignored, it results in jawbone degradation and even tooth loss. That’s why looking for Periodontitis symptoms is a must. 

So, in this blog, we’ll be walking through some of the most important insights regarding Periodontitis disease, including its symptoms, treatments, and preventions.

What is Periodontitis Disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection and inflammation of the gums that can spread to the bone that protects and supports the teeth. Plaque, a dense and sticky film of bacteria that forms around teeth and gums, is the key to this problem. If plaque is not removed, it will harden into tartar (calculus), and new plaque will grow on top of the tartar. If it is not dealt, then it can lead to a variety of dental health problems.

Symptoms of Periodontitis disease:

The signs of periodontitis might not always manifest until the disease has already progressed. The following are some periodontal disease warning signs, which you should keep in check-

  • The recession of the gums
  • Sores in the mouth
  • Bleeding gums, especially when brushing or flossing the teeth
  • Gums that are red, swollen, or tender
  • Teeth that are loose or splitting
  • Bad breath on a regular basis
  • Variations in the bite

Looking after these periodontitis disease symptoms in advance can save you from a lot of trials and tribulations as far as your oral health is concerned.

Different stages of Periodontitis disease:

Periodontal disease is divided into four stages:


It is the only stage in which periodontal disease can be cured, as the tooth support bones don’t get attacked yet. Bleeding gums are one of the First symptoms of Gingivitis gum disease. Routine dental check-ups can make a huge difference to this gum disease condition.

Slight Periodontitis Disease:

The second stage of periodontal disease is not entirely reversible, but it can be definitely treated. The gum infection has spread to the bone at this stage. Scaling and root planing are procedures that are used to deep clean the gums and clear bacteria deposits.

Moderate Periodontitis Disease

In the third stage of periodontal disease, the infection progresses further into the gums. My Gentle Dentist provides amazing periodontal disease treatments to thoroughly clean gums and clear infection. You can contact them now!

Advanced Periodontitis Disease:

Periodontitis disease can progress to the point where gum surgery can be required. It can cause holes in the teeth, gum recession, and even tooth loss if left untreated. That’s why approaching dental clinics like My Gentle Dentist is the best step you can take to access the best periodontitis disease treatment ever.

Periodontitis Disease Treatments:

Deep Dental Cleaning: It involves scraping of both plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline. To prevent the periodontal condition from progressing further, regular dental check-ups is recommended by My Gentle Dentist. 

Scaling and Root Planning: Scaling and root planning is a nonsurgical deep cleaning procedure. It scrapes away all tartar and plaque during the process. Also, it smooths the tooth root during the planning process to help extract bacteria and provide a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth.

Flap Surgery/Pocket Reduction Surgery: For more advanced stages of periodontal disease, surgery may be needed. The gums are lifted back during flap surgery so that we can thoroughly extract all tartar. The gums are then snugly fitted to the tooth, reducing the distance between the gum and the tooth.

Bone Grafts: Bone grafts are needed when bone loss occurs. To replace weakened jawbone caused by periodontal disease, periodontal specialists can use pieces of your own bone or a synthetic bone.

What can you do to prevent Periodontitis disease?

So, what can be done to keep Periodontitis disease at bay? 

  • Maintaining good oral hygiene is a good place to start to stay one step ahead of this gum disease. 
  • Brushing and flossing at least twice a day is the most effective way to eliminate food particles and plaque, preventing gum disease from developing.
  • Another way to avoid gum disease is to see your dentist on a regular basis, rather than waiting until you experience discomfort. Your gums will usually have an infection or be in an advanced stage of gum disease by the time you experience discomfort. 

So, to prevent gum disease, you can schedule dental cleanings and check-ups with My Gentle Dentist. Now! Book Your Appointment Here

Now choosing a clinic for Periodontitis disease treatment in North Brisbane, and all is much easier since My Gentle Dentist clinics have the most 5-star reviews on Google from their clients. So, if you are looking for incredible gum disease treatments near Arana Hills, Brookside, Mitchelton, Everton Hills, Everton Park, Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Keperra, Stafford Heights, then do consider your local clinic, My Gentle Dentist at Arana Hills, or Brookside to get the best-ever quality gum treatment services.

Don’t ever ignore the Periodontitis symptoms, as they can worsen your dental health inside out. If you think you have Periodontitis, please contact us right away. We’ll take a closer look at the condition of your teeth and gums and explore the best care options with you, for you!