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5 Benefits of Dental Bridges – My Gentle Dentist

At My Gentle Dentist, we understand that maintaining your dental health is essential for overall health and wellbeing. That’s why we’re proud to offer our patients the latest and greatest in dental bridge technology. From improved aesthetics to a better bite and even cost savings, here are five benefits of dental bridges that you can expect when you work with My Gentle Dentist.

What is Dental Bridge?

missing teeth

Dental bridges are an effective way to replace missing teeth. They are a fixed prosthesis, meaning they are permanently attached to the neighboring teeth on either side of the gap. A dental bridge is composed of an artificial tooth, called a pontic, which is suspended between two crowns that are attached to the adjacent teeth.

Dental Bridges can be used for a variety of reasons. They are used to replace a missing tooth that cannot be replaced with a dental implant. They are also used to replace multiple missing teeth, especially if the teeth are in the same area. Dental bridges can also be used to close a space between two teeth that cannot be closed with braces.

Before a dental bridge is placed, the surrounding teeth must be prepared. This involves the removal of decay, if necessary, and the reshaping of the teeth to make space for the bridge. Once the teeth are ready, the bridge is then cemented into place. Once the bridge is in place, the patient should practice proper oral hygiene to keep it in good shape.

Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth and restore the appearance of a smile. They are strong, long-lasting, and can provide a natural looking result. They are also a relatively low-cost option when compared to other teeth replacement options like implants.

If you are considering a dental bridge, it is important to discuss the procedure with your dentist to determine if it’s the right choice for you. A dental bridge requires a lifetime of maintenance, so it’s important to make sure that you are committed to taking good care of your dental bridges so that they can last for many years

What are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Oral Health

1. Improved Oral Health

Dental bridges are a popular cosmetic dentistry option for those looking to improve their appearance. They can help to fill in gaps between teeth, restore normal biting and chewing performance, and even enhance the overall appearance of a person’s smile.

When you lose one or more of your teeth, it can affect your ability to eat, speak, and smile. Not only is this embarrassing, but it can also lead to other dental problems, such as the misalignment of your bite and the shifting of other teeth.

The good news is that a dental bridge can help to replace missing teeth and improve your smile. A bridge is a prosthetic device that is affixed to the neighboring teeth to create a bridge from one side of the gap to the other. The bridge is made from dental materials that look natural and blend in with your other teeth.

2. Improve Bite Function

When teeth are missing, the natural bite can become distorted and cause a number of problems, ranging from chewing difficulties to jaw joint pain. Dental bridges are a quick and effective solution to this problem, allowing patients to enjoy full dental function again.

A missing tooth can change how force is transferred during biting, increasing pressure on surrounding teeth and perhaps causing problems with your jaw joints. By filling in the gap, a dental bridge can assist transfer that stress and reduce jaw pain.

3. Prevent Teeth Misalignment

Dental bridges can play an important role in preventing teeth misalignment and ensuring a healthy, beautiful smile. The most common cause of teeth misalignment is missing teeth, either due to an accident or injury, or because of natural decay or absence of tooth formation.

Dental bridges can be used to fill in the gap and prevent teeth misalignment. When you have a dental bridge installed, it is important to remember that the teeth adjacent to the missing teeth must be in proper alignment. If the teeth are not properly aligned, the bridge will not fit properly and it will be more difficult to eat and speak effectively.

Dental bridges are a permanent solution for missing teeth and they are designed to last for many years. Dental bridges are usually made of a metal such as gold or titanium, but they can also be made of porcelain or other materials. Depending on the type of bridge you choose, different techniques may be used to place the bridge.

Before your bridge is placed, your dentist will make sure that your teeth are properly aligned and that the bridge fits well. The dentist will also take impressions of your mouth to ensure that the bridge is the right shape and size.

Before you have your dental bridge installed, it is important to have a thorough dental exam. Your dentist will check for any signs of decay, infection, or gum disease. If anything is found, your dentist will determine the best course of action.

Once your bridge is in place, it is important to brush and floss twice a day, and use an antibacterial mouthwash. This will help to maintain the bridge and prevent any further tooth decay or infection.

4. Maintain Facial Structure

Dental bridges can also help maintain facial structure. When a tooth is missing, the jawbone can start to deteriorate, leading to a dramatic change in your facial structure. Dental bridges help to support the jawbone, keeping it strong and healthy. This helps to support your facial structure and restore the natural contours of your face.

5. Preventing Further Tooth Loss

Dental bridges are a type of dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth. They are a fixed prosthetic device that is cemented onto existing teeth or dental implants to bridge a gap. Bridges are a great way to prevent further tooth loss, as they help to reduce the stress on adjacent teeth, improve the tooth’s bite and appearance, and restore the ability to chew and speak properly.

When it comes to preventing further tooth loss, dental bridges are a great option. They are long lasting, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing.

Learn More about Dental Bridges

If you’ve recently lost a tooth, our My Gentle Dentists are here to help. We can fix your smile with a dental bridge and restore not just the function of your tooth, but also your confidence. Call My Gentle Dentist today at 07 3506 1234, 07 3355 7490 or contact us online to Request an Appointment



How do Dental Bridges Prevent Further Tooth Loss?

Dental bridges provide support to the surrounding teeth, preventing them from shifting and causing further tooth loss. Additionally, they offer a natural-looking and long-lasting solution to tooth loss.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges can last for up to 10 years.

How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost?

For bridges, it depends on the number of teeth involved, but you can estimate about the same price as crowns per tooth on the bridge.

What materials are used to make Dental Bridges?

Dental Bridges can be made from a variety of materials including porcelain, metal, and composite. Your dentist will determine which material is best for your particular situation.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges offer a number of benefits. They can help improve the appearance of your smile and also provide a stable foundation to prevent further tooth loss. Additionally, they can help improve the function of your bite and overall oral health.

Are there any risks associated with Dental Bridges?

As with any dental procedure, there is a risk of infection or other complications. However, these risks are minimal when performed by an experienced dentist.